qVar | M4L device for quantized macro variation changes
qVar is a tool that allows you to make quantized macro variation changes.This tool can be particularly useful in a producing or live environment. Using a midi controller, you can map the variation select and the fire button on qVar. Then you simply select the variation you want to load, and you press fire. The variation snapshot will change automatically, based on your quantization time.
To use it, load this device inside a rack. The device will be configured automatically "under the hood" and make it possible to launch a variation using the quantization time after you press the fire button.
Quantization time - This works similarly to the clip launch quantization time. The default is 1 Bar. That means that the variation change will happen on the next bar.
Fire - This button triggers the variation change.
R - This device cannot track if the whole rack moves into a new channel. If for some reason you decide to move or copy-paste the rack or the device, make sure that the is displayed right below this button. If you see a just press the R button and you are good to go.
Important: Compatible with Ableton Live 11 or later
MIDI and Audio m4l devices